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David Leavitt

The Backstory of Our Purchase of Knockderry Castle

Our neighbor Paul's drone footage of the shoreline in front of Knockdery

Chelom and I arrived back to Utah from Knockderry two days ago. We had such a wonderful trip connecting with new friends and neighbors. One of them, Paul, prepared a really great drone video of Knockderry that I'll share here. Thank you, Paul.

The news that Knockderry had been purchased met us in London as we transferred from Glasgow to our flight to Salt Lake City. A friend had sent us a link to a Herald Scotland article that identified Chelom and I has the buyers. It was a well written article that detailed Chelom's experience as a practicing lawyer, a Fulbright Fellow in Ukraine and then her work as a professor at Brigham Young University .

By the time we had reached Utah word of this blog had made its way to various media outlets who were interested in the fact that I was the Utah elected prosecutor who filed charges against Nicholas Rossi--the Rhode Island Rapist who had evaded prosecution through multiple states in the United States, faked his own death, and then was arrested as he lay in a Glasgow hospital ward with COVID on the charges that I brought against him in Utah.

Stories from The Daily Record and The BBC followed yesterday and today. I spent a good part of today fielding media interviews from television and other news outlets both in Scotland and the United States. Everyone wants to know the back story of how in the world The BBC's 9th most popular story and 20th most popular story from 2022 intersected through Chelom and me.

Like I told the BBC yesterday: "I don't know what to make of it except that sometimes life is stranger than fiction."

Chelom and I will tell the back story of our purchase of Knockderry Castle in tomorrow's post. I hope you'll tune in.

If any of our posts creates questions, comments, or suggestions please don't hesitate to email us. We'll do our best to answer any questions.

While I'm on the topic of the media, I'd like to give a shoutout to The Helensburgh Advertiser for being kind enough to write a story about our blog: Thank you.

I've posted, below, the video of today's work at the castle. George, Garry, Bob and the guys spent the day getting rid of the carpet and bar debris that they took out of the castle earlier in the week. I always love seeing their videos. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Finally, next week, we've got some exciting coming attractions to the castle. On Monday, we'll have a team of specialized suspension rope climbers who will be onsite to repair portions of the roof that aren't easily accessible. We'll also have a stain glass conservation expert onsite helping us understand our options for restoring and preserving the stain glass that's in the front room of the main level of the castle.

Thank you for following our site and for all your comments. We hope you'll keep visiting our blog.

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